Projects co-financed by the EU
Project name | INDIVIDUAL PROJECTS – Internationalization
Project code | LISBOA-02-0752-FEDER-027629
Main objective | OT 3 – To reinforce the small and medium entrerprises competitiveness
Intervention region | Lisbon
Beneficiary entity | WWS – Wine With Spirit, S.A.
Approval date | 13-11-2017
Stat date | 05-10-2017
Conclusion date | 04-06-2023
Total eligible cost | 356.320,00 EUR
European Union financial support | FEDER – 142.528,00 EUR
National/regional public financial support | N/A
Objective: to increase sales in existing foreign markets and to penetrate in new markets, either through the traditional export activity or through the digital distribution platform Lyfetaste